Kids Activities!

Families are encouraged to gather around their devotionals to learn about God and pray. A great Advent devotional for kids is Journey to the Manger.  There is a section for adults to read to their young ones and then a corresponding puzzle section for youths grade 3-6th. It also includes a foldable Advent map with stickers! Check it out: Journey to the Manger Book.

Sunday Dec. 13 is Santa Lucia Day! Print this Lucia crown out (Lucia_Crown_For_Print_1.jpg and talk about the importance of light with your family! Why is Jesus called The Light of the World? Read John 1!

Read along with Pastor Emily and the Church Mice as we all learn about Advent and Christmas and Epiphany! See below in the video section!

Advent Videos

The Bible Project is a YouTube channel that features awesome  graphic videos for people of all ages to enjoy. The series below is their Advent Series. Check out this amazing non-profit org at

We are very grateful for their work and ministry!

The Sundays of Advent in order: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. 




Advent-Is the beginning of the new liturgical year. While Advent is sort of like the Lent of Christmas, there are differences between the two penitential seasons. Advent focuses more on thanksgiving, likening our earthly harvest with the heavenly harvest at the end of the age. Light plays a major role in Advent. In the northern hemisphere the days are getting shorter—darkness creeps in. The winter cold does not help with our feelings of loneliness, depression, and despair. But as we prepare the inns of our hearts for the Messiah, we light candles to vanquish the darkness. The closer we get to Christ’s coming in the world, the more light radiates. 

Christmas-Originally, December 25th was thought to be the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This was the perfect day to celebrate Christ’s birth (often with a midnight Christ-Mass). The world longs to hear these words from John’s Gospel on Christmas Day: What has come into being in him was life and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.     Contrary to our inpatient and frenzied culture, Christmas begins on Christmas Day and continues through January 5th--there really are 12 Days of Christmas! The color for this major feast is white and gold. 

Epiphany-Always on January 6th, many countries throughout the world have  Epiphany Day off as it is considered a sort of a second Christmas. This makes sense since this is the day the Three Wise Men come to give gifts to Jesus, revealing to the world that the God of Israel is for all nations, not just the Children of Abraham. While the colors for Epiphany Day, Baptism of our Lord Sunday, and Transfiguration Sunday are white, there are a few Sundays in Epiphany that are considered part of Ordinary Time and as such they are green.

All are welcome to journey with us to

the Christ Child

this holy-day season.

See the season's schedule:

Give Tidings of Comfort & Joy! 

Christmas Charities

  • Giving Tree~ each congregation will be supplying Christmas presents to local families in need. 
  • Toys for Kids (drop off bin at Bethany)
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing
  • Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
  • WELCA LWR Quilt-Making/kits assembled
  • Food Shelf
  • Community Referral Agency (CRA), Milltown's Women Shelter (drop off bin at Pilgrim)
  • FREE Soup First Tuesday of the Month--4-6pm Frederic Community/Senior Center (hosted by PLCW)

Nothing like Christmas in the Nort' Woods!

A sampling of Christmas past